jeudi 4 septembre 2014

Tourism in Italy

Tourism in Italy 

Italy is among the world's most famous and renown in Ajtdab tourists as it occupies between Rank Aiith and fourth in the world, whether in terms of the number of visitors or the rate of income preceded in that only France and Spain, as it is no wonder that occupies Italy this rank advanced, since that is owned by country bel Paeza or beautiful country as Ihbd renamed foreign visitors of an ancient civilization and geographical variety allows them to do so only UNESCO world that Italy is available on Aktar than fifty per cent of the total Turat global ancient civilizations, especially the civilization of the Romans was born here and do not forget that they the headquarters of the Christian religion, in addition to the city of Rome, there are many historical cities which Tter intriguing and impressive tourist Ndkr the most important city of Venice she floating city, the city of love and love the city of Milan, it is the heartbeat of the Italian economy and the city Mody and fashion city of Florence It is the source of the Renaissance city of art par excellence and Generator Italian language also exist other cities are no less important and not on historical or artistic level as a city of Verona, which gave birth to Romeo and Juliet and the city of the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa and other cities precipitant.

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